Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sharing even 2% of DNA is powerful ~

I can't believe I was taken-back even for a moment when I found out (again?) that we humans share 98% of the same DNA of an orangutan. What jolted me is that only 2% of our DNA separates us from these guys and yet we are significantly different.

So what's really known about the other 2% of the DNA system? It's like man's brain ~ how can we fathom the capabilities of something man only uses a fraction of anyway? What if that's where this higher power within us resides? What if that unknown space contains the supposedly superhuman powers often displayed by ordinary humans?

That leads me to thinking of my cousin and how we also share another 25% of the remaining DNA, which is a very significant amount if my thinking is correct.

We each write somewhere in the "blogoshere" (thanks cuz) that's in googlesphere somewhere in cyberspace-sphere and how I stumbled across her pieces of "talk walkin the walk of the talk". I admire her and she, I guess you could say, admires me. We've each earned our life's certificate from the school of hard knocks, and we've forgiven ourselves, are still workin' on our attitudes of victim or guilty, and we've surrendered our need to control the ultimate mechanics of our life's course ~ I'm only laughing at myself now.

JJ and my life experiences were from "different sides of the tracks", to be quite frank, yet apparently from the same emotional side and after decades of dealing with our lives from our very separate perspectives. It's fascinating to me. I can't wait to learn more.

But the emotional healing part seems to be the same for everyone. Acceptance, forgiveness, having zero expectations, being careful of who or what we attach ourselves for security, paying attention to everything surrounding us, love for our "self " (what you see in others, good and bad, we also possess or you wouldn't "see" it), and the hardest part of all ~ be patient and give your all to keep putting one foot in front of the other on the road of leading to your happiness. Where there's a will there's a way. Do you have the will?

This leads us to love. And yes, if you want to love who you are. When we love who we are ~ that is the highest energy we can emit from our beings and then the magic begins. If it's been done by some of worst suffering humans can endure, why is it that we can't?

As my boyfriend's deceased parents used to "drill" into his heart, "you is all you gotta be with ~ you're your own best friend". This was not "drilled" as most parents seem to do. His daddy was Sioux and mamma Apache; both with a bit of ye Irish and a solid native heart.

JJ and I share a great grandmother with native blood. As kids, my siblings and I never heard of her. She died when my father was 4 years old and JJ's mom was 2, so I don't know about JJ. On my 50th birthday I first found out and had a lifetime of the same question being asked of me, finally answered. I finally asked a pertinent question. I may save this story for another day.

I eventually learned what it feels like to surrender because I truly believe everything happens just as it's supposed to, yet we keep setting up "our wills", so why did I prolong my own suffering? I finally stopped resisting (in whatever form we realize we are resisting) by not pushing my will (for the script of my life).

That moment of feeling total surrender to a force with far more skill and unfathomable intelligence, than us-alone, is such a peaceful, stress-free, gentle feeling you'll wonder why you waited so long to start on the road to your own happiness. But that's only the challenging beginning we face. First step ~ seeing the choice. Step two ~ making the right choice to learn and Three - the hardest is JUST DO IT the best You can ~ And tomorrow you'll probably have to try harder than you did the day before until it becomes a natural thing to do.

We must keep believing things do get better for us, things keep slowly but surely falling into place that fulfill our heart's desires (friends, family, work, our home . .), we start to see and feel things around us to keep us going forward, try not to worry about things you can't control, keep your heart and mind open to possibilities you never thought of, keep going forward!

Hey, we all slip now and then, we're humans, so forgive, accept, love yourself anyway, but get the hell back up and start again. Do it over and over until you're feeling strong enough because you know there's strength in numbers ~ even if it's just "me, myself, and I" ~ ever think of that? We all have the spirit side of us that resides somewhere in that magnificent heart & brain we all have.

Well, it's another day ahead, hopefully?, for all us us. All I gotta know is I'm tryin' as hard as I can and things do fall into place, and keep falling into place as we've got to allow it to. We're the only factor that gets in our own way of smooth sailing as we keep happiness at bay. We chose.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

1 comment:

  1. Dang,
    I tried to copy and past a pair of hands clapping. It wouldn't let me!!! I love you allowing "us" into your world. OUR world. A world sometimes unforgiving but allowing "us" to do so anyway. Yes, we are and always will be connected by 1/4 or 1/2 or the whole of our spirit. You might as well call it B&B (last surnames) As I romp through my day and you enjoy yours stop and think of us periodically..... As I will you and yours. We never, never give up. My motto; when your in hell keep walking! mmmmwaaah!
