Monday, August 13, 2012

Putting your finger on your nose ~

Brilliant, what a way to help us realize the moment of NOW. We waste precious moments that could end up adding up to major time in this life we have on negative mental states of worry, anger, pissed-off-ness, whatever . .

The finger on our nose is simply a way to transfer our thinking to be extremely conscious of the moment right "now". Right now ~ are you safe, are you okay, is anything terrible happening right at the moment of 'NOW"? Probably you wouldn't be thinking this or reading this if you were in one of these "damaging" states.

Tools help us get through the relearning to take control of our thinking and emotions. These tools, and there are many, are what help us stay on the path towards ever-lasting internal-peace, no matter what physical environment we find ourselves. No one has control over our minds, let's hope, because we've set our personal boundaries only to allow good into our sphere of influence so to speak.

Sphere of influence is anyone or anything within the "energy field" we create around us ~ it is just one of those laws of the mechanics of our lives. You shouldn't try to deny it as I'm sure you wouldn't deny the law of gravity. No one or anything has a right to control your heart or mind (which creates your sphere of influence).

If we feel powerless, it always helps to ground yourself in the moment, so put your finger on your nose the way JJ's sponsor helped her ( )

I can read and reread my morning paper ( ) and I'll always catch something I hadn't been conscious of before. That's also just the way it is ~ in most cases. Because you're actually a different person, or with different awareness the next time you read the same thing. I love rereading a wonderful book later in time, because I'll always get more from it, same as when I watch a movie. Interesting huh ~

So what would we do without tools to help us cope with the experiences in our lives? In my opinion, it's the wise, the strong, or the curious that use tools to have a different experience than they'd have without them. Again, using tools is just an option, and we make the choice to try it or not. But only you can decide to try a certain tool of not in the different scenarios we face.

Trust us, simply making the choice to try something only turns into power when we do our best to apply the use of that tool. Nothing is always 100% successful for everyone the first time, but it is up to us to try again if we really want to begin modifying our patterns of behavior.

Hey, in retrospect, I'm actually ashamed enough of my past patterns of stupid, unaware behaviors, but I'm forgiving myself daily as I know everything happens just as it should for us to continue to learn. And it's MY self-control that keeps me on the path of peace.

Well, I feel it's time to leave this "NOW" moment and get on with my busy life, for another "NOW" moment lineup.

Fare well and a hui ho, LLJJBB ~

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