Monday, August 20, 2012

Being humbled is an experience ~

Being humbled should be a happy awakening. And if it's not; we're still learning the hard way. That's just the way it is. I guess when you can expect to stop being humbled is the day you no longer need an earth experience to continue on.

Hey, I don't know anything other than it all adds up for me.

Oh man, I breathe deep enough to sound like a horse, when I imagine the experiences of being humbled.

It's a warm and welcomed "Ah ha" moment when it happens. Someone or something has somehow placed a mirror right up to your face and "you realize the way you've been": no one has to tell you if ya feel it already and you're grateful for the "reminder". And you hopefully smile within and know you'll do your best to stay on the path of being that way for your nature.

My ego has been humbled to it's knees, the way I look, the way I dress, the posture I present to friends and family, the posture (my energy, my aura, my character, my "self", my story, my whatever) that I present to strangers is real from the core. There's not a lot that'll shake me.

There's a lot of us who have ta be humbled over and over cuz "our heads are thick". Me! I'm a prime example. Five years, at least, I acted like a blind, deaf, pig-headed woman. Oh my Goodness, I'm embarrassed ~ just like I was told I would be by the main character of my drama.

Being aware that you're even being humbled is a great place to be. When ya own your own "shit" (forgive the barn talk), you decide what to do about it. It's a simple as that. But it's choosing "the good path of awareness, ownership, humbleness, ever lasting self love and happiness over the darker, temporarily easier (yet usually containing pain somehow) path that you escape onto. And then guess what?

How long that lasts is up to you. Believe in the strength within you, YOUR higher self that's housed with an even more powerful strength (whatever ya want to call it) that shows the way so you must be AWARE! Aware, Open, Perceptive, Patient, I could keep going, but my timer has rung and I'll post this as is. No time to edit, but

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

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