Friday, August 3, 2012

It makes sense whether we care to see or not ~

I wonder what man is, besides more intelligence with this gift (or curse) of freewill. From what I've experienced, animals are here to survive, procreate, and provide an environment for offspring. It breaks my heart when I get even a glimpse in time at the diversity of harshness between environments and survival even for identical species, but the constants remain: survival and offspring. Sounds pretty simplistic doesn't it. Sure, we could spend countless hours on this subject.

Look at man with his own constants and variables. The bottom line remains: survival. But we've been given a freewill and the ability to think. Doesn't it make sense it's our responsibility to keep putting one foot in front of the other with this ability to process thought.

Animals don't waste a moment feeling sorry for their situations' ~ they can't. So why can we humans? To use our minds in a constructive or destructive way? What do you think? We're given to ability to choose. What we do is always a choice in some form or another. We're not here to suffer beyond seeing how we handle whatever situation arises. I'm not talking about children, they're here to learn from their parents.

The death of a loved one, especially our child, creates excruciating emotional pain when we don't believe everything happens exactly as it's meant to to help us see OURSELVES better. I know you may think that's ridiculous, how could it be so simple, but I can only say it is.

Just like believing in a higher power, it begins with acceptance. This higher power is always a part of each of us and it's only put into power when our attitudes begin to shift towards gratitude for what we do have (no matter what we think about it, because someone's always got it worse). Shift your thinking about your present situation, when you're ready to move forward in a positive way, and this higher power doesn't leave you, but it's your responsibility to simply want to begin to travel another path.

Would you not want the ability to think and use your freewill? There are plenty of folks who would trade places with you in a heartbeat, someone always has it worse than you somewhere! And when we're in deep emotional pain, this is NOT what we want to hear.

Trust me; suffering is only as bad as we make it. But don't get me wrong; grieving your loss is essential for you to recover! Then we've got to be able to see ourselves. See ourselves through our own personal dirty windows, because most every human does have "dirty windows" so to speak. We've got to accept the way it is, which is difficult because we're human ~ we were given the ability to "feel things" and make choices we do have control over. Period

Unfortunately I've got to stop for today and I felt this was more important than telling you about feelings deep in our hearts. Fare well and a hui ho, LL

1 comment:

  1. You continue to amaze me. Your clarity comes through so well. I believe, you believe all you write and isn't that what we want? For if we can't write to believe than how could anyone reading it?
    You, my distant (by miles) cousin are awesome!
