Monday, August 13, 2012

~ JJLLBB, magic or coincidence? ~

~ (I think LLJJBB is easier to read, and I wanted to use it as it was) ~

Anyway, I can hardly contain my jubilation as I feel the awareness of what JJ did (innocently in her own way) just days ago.

She put her "JJ", with my "LL" and our "BB" together (email exchanges). I loved it instantly then, yet right "NOW" I feel the wisdom and magic of the "coincidences" that occurred in 2005 (that points to today and that's another 10 hr story I'll tell on request only ~

In brief, a sign with "JJ" was pointed out to me by my Brain Injury Case Manager for whatever the reasons were then. And the "BB" is literally the combination of our blood and our bond (me and JJ) ~ even that's a coincidence cuz blood and bond are also BB ~

Oh my Goodness, what to think ~ I'm smiling

I'm also knowing I want to call my daughter in 5 minutes, so this is short and sweet (thank you Goodness :)

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

1 comment:

  1. Again with the chill bumps. Tears welling and pride in knowing we are all on the path meant for us!!!
