Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'll do this My way ~

Sensing things within our gut, our heart, in prayer, in our silent "self" (all the "same" to me) also continues to expand, duplicate, manifest until we're "seeing" more and more clearly in awareness of our-self and how we live our life. We see deeper and deeper or let's say our perspective is getting higher and we're seeing our "self" almost as if we're a character in a sit-com or movie ~

I want to clarify my understanding by saying that this higher perspective IS us, and I'm also trying to say that that the power greater than us is this same energy, yet unfathomably more brilliant and ethereal and together (our energy affecting our sphere of influence) we together create the lives we (self) live. Exactly as our life reflects everything we think and do.

Here's something I felt ever clever with. You know the saying "If the shoe fits . ."? Well, imagine you work in "Gods" shoe store (shoes in every imaginable "design" you'd ever see). A person _(fill in the blank)_ comes in "acting his/her part" in life and eventually you get around to sayin', "If the shoe fits wear it ~ God chose it."; and you continue, 'Hey don't shoot; I just work here."

Hey, hardest to even see is if that shoe fits you when someone else see's it first ~

In other words, when we face ourselves it can be hard to take, and when we do this we can see modifications or adjustments we can make to enable future life-experiences to pass more smoothly. All situations on the entire spectrum of extremes and in-between are for us to see our "self" clearer ~ and then guess what?

We choose again. How do we react, how do we respond with awareness, what we do next. Surrender YOUR will, just have zero push anywhere, go with the flow, and your life will show you the next step when you're even more open to awareness.

Imagine what it'll feel like to look in your own mirror with love to yourself because there are no victims.

My awareness has deepened to how much I yell at my"self" ~ literally ~ for stupid, nothing, not perfect acts, many are simply from just not being in the "now" moment, cuz my mind was elsewhere ~ so I'm workin' on takin' in a long breathe of air . . in the sense of self-love ~ and forgiving where ever I learned to pick constantly

My opinion is when we judge others we're really judging our "selves" and we need to see that. The bible says something like "As ye judge, so shall ye be judged" ~ yea by your "self" (this "higher power" that looks on "down" with clear awareness. And that's then delineated by some brilliance and power outside us alone that I don't know what to call it, but I do accept it like something to be respected. I question even how I can make sense of that. "Oh bother".

Keepin' our hearts working in tandem with our mind is a beautiful thing. To me that enables us to go in/on/with the smoothest flow we can make our our lives. We're working in tandom with the brilliance of the God-like force that knows what's ahead in all directions.

I'm not talking about our romantic hearts here unless specified. I could now write endlessly about my learnings in that area of my heart. Oh man, my "blind-side" was all in the original Raven Ravine ~ 100 hrs+ story ~ smile

It's a feeling of joy when you know you're "so aware" of the mechanics of our lives (how and why things happen "exactly" as they're meant to be, including every ounce of pain). You're goin' with this flow without drama created with others.

The "pure acceptance" of this unfathomable mechanics of all life is key to unlocking further awareness; as is forgiveness and all those other nasty little words to make us more humble ~

So it'll finally click and we'll get it; so we LEARN to see our lesson, so we can now start knowing why we're workin' on it ~ whatever "it" is for us. ~ See ~

Awareness IS curative ~

It's also the greatest mystery, the spirit, the force, the universe, God . . "organizing" (with and through coincidences, chance connections, timing) ~

(I don't see time in timing and I prefer time-ing). Crap to take that thought deeper ~ time with a sound of "ing" ~ the magic of "ing"; time is illusion if our spirits are in the "ing" ~ whoa LL

Time to go to the barn, and it is on/off pouring rain, and I'm gonna make it another wonderful experience of my heart. Geeze I'm getting to ethereal.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

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