Sunday, October 9, 2011

Today in our little world . .

I'm restarting my journey of walking my talk. Doing it as best I can (breathe deep girl it's alright). I look back and wonder how I'm right here; now again!? Ahhhh........ Wanting to restart this blog, I find out it's all still listed in cyberspace. Whatever. There's no hiding in cyberspace.

Oh, I'm clever alright. I smile to myself as I know I'm "opening my kimono", as one older friend once shared many moons ago). I ain't no phoney. No more I say. Something changes today. I've got to write. One day, I do hope my words will be heard as good wisom . . (I suppose all wisdom is good when I think about that).

Unfortunately, I know I've got to keep it short and sweet. Here I am. And in my little world (thanks Bob Ross) I've got a friend, myself, and knowing the world's eyes or my own inner eyes I suppose, are holding me accountable, in my heart, I'll finally write as often as I can, so I can stop this endless wandering in the infinite emptiness of the greatest mystery in life. A hui ho . .

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