Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A S.L.A.P. to wake us up!

S ~ Silence
L ~ Love
A ~ Acceptance
P ~ Patience

This "popped in my head" about a week ago when I was able to honestly look at what was happening in my life. I got what I call a slap-in-the-face to wake me up to what reality is rather than what I want. I was actually driving my children away with forcing my love on them. I am so sad, but I now understand. If I DIDN'T have the children I do have, my awakening would have been a different process of whatever does or does not wake us up; it's up to us.

Over the last nearly 8 years I avoided what was being said, but chose, I guess, not to hear!!!! I've made a real ass out of myself. You'd think I'd finally get it, but loosing my children was the last straw. That all lead to this new direction of Ever Clever Times a few days ago.

I see I chose "Clive" as my signature name before spring and I see it remains . Now it's almost autumn and I can't remember what was the big revelation with Clive then as I intended to keep my identity elusive, but I've recently told you I'm a woman and a mother, so there it is. Another huge player in my game of life is my first grandbaby who lives less than 6 miles from me and is going to be a year mid-November.

Until next time!

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