Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The journey of a lifetime.

We'll see if I can finally do something I say I'll do. It's been pointed out to me, with love, how I quit just about everything (that could positively affect my life) that I say I'm going to do. I originally started this blog after my daughter made the suggestion nearly two years ago. My wish is to see Ever Clever Times be my way of walking my talk. Being "accountable" in cyberspace has got to be similar to just being accountable to ourselves with the faith that everything happens just as it's meant to for the highest good for all concerned. But it ain't gonna happen on its own; so it starts with me.

What is my talk? To live the life I now have with the purpose of accepting love as it exists in MY little world. I've never felt I had a purpose. Honestly, I'd say I've resisted most of my life thinking there had to be more. More of WHAT?!

Since a near fatal car accident in l989, I've spent thousands of hours contemplating the greatest mystery of my life: is there really anything affecting the destiny of our lives besides ourselves? FYI: I never believed in anything like "God" until my grandmother, Moy, told me how my life was saved.

Will the purpose of this blog become clarity in my faith of something I can't explain?

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