Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Days 6 & 7 ~ 10/25/11

I almost made the worst error in judgment until I spoke with my younger sister in the Berkshires last night.

She helped me "flip-it-over" to see another perspective on a major decision I'd recently made. I'm having issues with receiving love and giving my love to my two grown children. Not even worth getting into as the bottom line is it happens in everyone's life, just with different details. Perhaps these chance connections with people are a part of the unfathomable mystery I often speak of. Is this a way to feel your deepest intentions, do what you can, and in the letting go of details you can't control or plan, things work out in mysterious ways (such as a timely phone call)?

All I do know is that in the present I will continue to listen to my heart (my deepest intentions) in my quiet times of silence, love, acceptance and patience.

I've still gotta deal with me being who I am and adjusting my attitudes and actions as things happen in my life. And I'm learning not to continually beat myself up for not being perfect as I do strive to become more each day.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

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