Sunday, October 23, 2011

Days Four and Five ~ 10/23/11

"Silence, love, acceptance, and patience". That is my new motivator to keep on track with what I truly desire. Silence or being with ourselves in our own quite time is one of the most important opportunities to help us help ourselves find balance or peace with the multitude of situations that arise throughout our existence. It;s better than a slap-in-the-face we'll get otherwise. (see a week earlier).

Yesterday on Great Diamond Island I found myself alone in a situation I helped create, as much as I don't want to admit it. I passed through several dimensions of denial, anger, loss of peace, and on to seeing myself. Pretty immediately, I chose to feel the peace I feel when I know, without a doubt, I'm following my heart: what I ultimately want with a release of knowing how it's going to work out, yet doing all I can, which is often simply an attitude change . I chose to enjoy my solitude, and I literally kept putting one foot in front of the other as I let instinct carry the direction I chose at crossroads, forks, or where to rest over after a couple hours covering the areas of the island.

Before 10-15 minutes more, it worked out and there was my mate. We're committed in getting through life, together, with continual evolution in the right direction. That's a mouthful, but after all my years of discontent, that's exactly who I met 5 seasons ago. Which works perfectly with where I am in personal awareness these days.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

1 comment:

  1. Love this post!!!! Isn't peace all we ever wanted? Joy comes to me from doing what is right no matter what. Ah the contentment of accepting that we know but a little. And what we do know is that we can't do much about life anyway!
