Friday, March 18, 2011

First Things First

Just yesterday I hesitated, smiled, and suddenly the word, clever, resonated with who I am. When I looked up the actual definition, instantly. the spark to ignite my creativity came to life somehow.

I'll tell you why I love the word clever. It's an adjective and it describes what I believe are the highest human qualities of our body, mind and spirit that enable us to live with joy. I admire all the qualities such as quick mind, witty, original in character, inventive, and adroit to name a few. In other words, anyone can be clever; it has no boundaries of any kind.

I even told my mate that I want to name my next dog Clever. Perhaps that best suits a male dog, which may seem limiting, but think of this: One day, after living in Hawaii for nearly ten years, we decided the time was right to finally get a dog. We lived at 3.200' on eighteen acres on the side of the dormant volcano, Haleakala on Maui. We worked alone in the isolated fields where we grew and harvested salad greens. With so many important details omitted from a ten hour story, I will tell you it all apparently added up to we were meant to rescue this beautiful, sweet, black puppy at this time. It happened to be male, which I really didn't want and especially a puppy. So when it's meant to be, it's meant to be. This incredible puppy lived for four and a third beautiful years before his life ended one horrible day shortly after the turn of the new millenium. My growth in my inner awareness took off like a shot twelve days after our daughter graduated from high school many months later. My life started to change dramatically and drastically. And here I am ~ somehow alive and well again.

I'd like to keep my blogs short, and hopefully sweet, so I'll end this one and allow the flow of creative energy to move me into action.

Now, I've got to "research" how to get this blog noticed and recognized. If YOU happen upon this someday and you want to hear more, just write me and I'll take things as they come into my bubble of awareness. Well, it's Aloha Friday here in my heart (and literally) so I will exit until next time.

Clive in Portland, Maine, 18 March, 2011

1 comment:

  1. "The teacher appears when the student is ready."
    That's what they say. Thanks for shining this light for me now.
