Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Building Unconditional Love

Perhaps I'm not as blind to love the way I'd been for well over 50 years. But trying to go backwards in time to eradicate damage already done, to now adult children, is quite a difficult challenge.

My daughter already vehemently rejects me even saying, "unconditional love" anymore. Yes, I do get all consumed with words that have unlocked knowledge in me and I'm sure I've overused 'em to explain my "new position". Admittedly, I've been obnoxious.

How can I ever get across the understanding of subconscious conditions we place on receiving love?

I believe this is essential information to have if one expects to have the deepest confidence and love for themselves ~ that will allow their life to flow in perpetual, relative peace (within their-self).

How can I explain my growing awareness of conditions stemming from fear- based resistance, or conditions set in our minds that we assume help us maintain control of our lives.

Absolutely, it's essential to set your own conditions (or boundaries) to who or what you'll allow into your lives
Control is a learned behavior we modify or change if/when we choose. 

Isn't it obvious that humans raised, anywhere, with the second-nature mindset of unconditional love for the highest good for all living things is what "turns" a peaceful, balanced planet?

When we're not able to "let go of our position" (this is what I know; this is what I want; this is who I am) we can become so ensnared in our own delusions that we're unable to ascertain reality, and we could be lie-ing to our Self with our ego.

I do appreciate we all learn in our own time, I understand we can lead a horse to water, but we can't make 'em drink, I know we all live our lives as individuals, but I'm talking about my children. I see harmful patterns that ran for generations in my blood relatives. I see them and I'm doing everything I can to expand awareness, so these aspects can be modified to allow the "us" to receive and give unconditional love with all we possibly can.

Can't you just hear how badly I want to reach my own children's hearts and minds? They're all almost in their thirties, and the next generation is forming right now. I hear my impatience. My impatience ultimately always backfires from my good intentions. I ask my Self when I'll ever learn?

Okay there, "I've" told my Self again ~ patience, love, and acceptance. Again I found it within my silence. I'd received another slap from life, and processed it within my silence. I'm certain I dealt with the invisible intelligence which runs through all living things and at least the "slaps" are more gentle, yet still waking me up to myself.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

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