Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Subconscious Conditions ~

Oh no! What's this now? We all have some sort of understanding of what subconscious means. "They" say our dreams and our feelings are a form of our subconscious communicating with our physical minds. I can't disagree.

The other day I had a split moment that struck me with "subconscious conditions" and here's what I was thinking. I'm sure it's the "same" as checking your motives because it can consciously help us change our behavior. 

It's amazing to become aware of how often our words or actions reflect our own buried conditions such as, "I knew them 10 years ago and they did this or that so I'm gonna react the same, to them, as I always have", or "I'm not feeling chipper today, so it's okay to do this or that to feel better", or "I've always been treated this way, this is familiar to me, this is what I know, this is how I'm most comfortable with myself . ." bla bla. We all know what we do to ourselves that keeps the Dominos falling.

To see "things" change around us, to see Dominos build on each other rather than toppling, we've got to be willing to see ourselves for what we are or want to be. Nothing is impossible; it just takes the first baby step in motion. Putting a thought, or new awareness, into action takes courage, even perhaps beyond the courage it took to survive life to this point.

Trusting yourself that you CAN and WILL do everything in your power to stay the course of trust and love, has got to be one key to unlocking a door to a brighter future don't you think? It's simply making up your mind to listen to your Self. There is some invisible intelligence called "God" that is in all of us, there's got to be! "It" speaks to us if we're willing to listen. Yes, our gut never lies and our gut feelings become known to us when we listen. 

Our physical mind has a lot the power. You yourself know the difference if you really care to notice a difference in what you pay attention to. One thought seems to come from your physical body that's lived through life so far, and the other seems to come from a part of us that knows better. See? 

I prefer to say I'm following my heart, but that can be confusing if your physical heart is seeking a mate (which I believe is one of those animal instincts that keep any species going). We're different because we humans and can process thoughts. We can/do choose to ignore what we don't want to hear (as in that voice in our heads): Our free wills: Our human ability: Our choice: Our decision: Our bla bla.

It makes us human to choose to listen to our own self love, which speaks of good for what's best for US in terms of the evolution of everything. Our human brains can't possibly know all this consciously. I certainly don't mean to make this sound too confusing. 

Like it or not, it really comes down to what we're willing to do to have things change. Looking outside yourself for something that'll "do it" (enable you to "have" differently) is ALWAYS going to take your life off course eventually. 

The answers are always inside us, the changes can only come from our SELF (the invisible intelligence flowing through everything). We take the action and we see the results, and we can choose to see how this affects life around us. This writing is really just more of the same; just worded with my own awareness. 

I've been  amazed how I find myself (increasing swiftly over the last 3 years) saying cliches we've all heard (which I'm blank now for any) as if I'm the originator of the thinking. But I'm certainly not. It's been a journey to discover the wisdom within. It's an even more challenging path to walk with confidence.

Confidence is the gift we find when we love ourselves enough to listen to that little voice inside. Creating an impenetrable confidence doesn't happen "over-night". I'm sure it's different for everyone. All I know is mine is stronger and still getting stronger, so if it can happen for me I believe it can happen for anyone willing to trust and love the inherent good within every baby born on earth. Finding it begins the moment you decide to see "you can".

Have faith in the process that's all I can say.

I know I've spewed and spewed my own process in life, and if someone felt it "hit their own heart" my time has not been for "not" ~ which seems like an odd expression, and I wonder if I've written it right. Oh well.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

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