Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another Day to Give

To give my wisdom, to give of myself as I evolve into a being that exudes unconditional love in facial and body language, and a tone in my voice that embraces a growing consciousness of the words that exit my mouth (before they exit my mouth). This too is a forever journey for me, as I "monitor" my own progress by the "reactions" of those in my "sphere of influence" (I imagine it as a bubble that mingles with countless other bubbles).

This is where my awareness into the mechanics of life has my focus today. I have come down a very winding and self-created difficult path, because I'm kinda thick headed. I still had "ego" to shed on a deeper level than I realized existed) in order to stop resisting wisdom that exists in each of us.

I look at just about everything today, from the perspective of what's happening is a massive learning about by "seeing yourself" move through crisis of the world today ~ 

Mankind has evolved into a species always wanting more. More conveniences, wanting life easier (more money) for "survival", then egos evolved to "all about "me" versus "us" (things done for the greatest good for all), and mixing that with a "what's-in[it-for-me-attitude" it became an uncontrollable breeding ground for greed, which grew into the disease of the world today. 

And man's addictions have always been cursing our evolutions as individuals. Recognizing our addictions, taking responsibility for what we CAN do or not do, in every aspect of our lives, is essential for any kind of change or evolution as a whole species.  Addictions have the curse of a disease, yet we're responsible to do our part ~ with our inner guidance to follow. Why would we choose responsibility of any kind if it's easier to blame or excuse?

I did it and I can't give you a good reason. Lack of personal awareness? Yes! Lack of understanding of unconditional love for myself being at the core of sharing unconditional love for the highest good for all.

We're being forced (with the force of nature) to learn what's really important on the deepest level of man's existance: evolution of the planet, to respect what it provides in conjunction with an unfathomable brilliance of balance for the planet's inhabitants of every single kind.

Soloutions?? There always are. Think in terms of making the most of what you do have in the ways of survival, (on the simplest terms) by being creative in thought for how you can enjoy and achieve this. I learned this only after I'd crashed into a pile of pathetic-poor-me and resisted learning the true mechanics of life.

Life is a different experience from this perspective. Every single living person has a form of creativity inside who they are (absolutely zero boundaries to creativity), be proactive by doing your best to do (all) you can do ~ that's enough! Do it in terms of love and evolution for all.

The mechanics of life will begin to excite your spirit as you acknowledge awareness is there when we choose to be open to the process of evolution.

Enough today. Fare well and a hui ho, LL

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