Thursday, October 11, 2012

Believing in a Power greater than us alone!

Oh my heart and mind are swirling. I'm aware, now, that my purpose is and has been to become aware of the deeper part of me, and then to express what I know. I feel as if I'm in the middle. Between what I ask?

Between 33 years in total darkness (that's another 10 hour story), to an accident in which my children, who were nearly 4 and 6 at the time, literally saved their mother's life by having the fortitude to leave her (I moaned when my son tried to talk to me) and go for help. The story was told to me by my mother's 78 year old mother, Moy as named by her first grandchild ~ my older sister. My life was never the same because this was my first awareness that there could possibly be something called "God".

Two years later I was blessed to have met and co-existed with Michael, the man that embraced my children as his own, me as a woman with some inner strength to overcome all odds and hopefully the ability to love. That marvelous relationship suddenly ended after months of several seemingly small events that added up to a painful split twelve years later and only months after "our" youngest, a daughter, graduated from high school. My son had already left home after 8th grade to "do high school in Maine in his father's home.

Michael began to speak of this higher power we call "God" and I've spent almost 24 years since reading book after book written by some of the greatst literary minds of today and yesterday on the subject of a power greater than us alone. So here I am. I must do my best with my limited abilities to express the awareness I must also attempt to share in a way more and more people will relate to in order to become aware of a human's ability to love unconditionally.

It's self love first, and that's where it all begins and should be continually enhanced by the people who gave us life. Of course that's NOT what happens in so many heart breaking scenarios, and just as horrible, when parents that do love are unable to share what is our birthright to naturally experience: unconditional love ~ starting with ourselves. 

Most infants experience the ability to understand communication with body language first. Of course it's got to be understood there is a spectrum of extremes, with the all shades of gray in-between, with everything. This is a law of the universe ; just like gravity. But no matter what ~ human infants learn communication first from body language. A world of emotions are subconsciously learned from there. Doesn't it make sense that words of unconditional love and nurturing should follow if man is ever to live in peace and harmony on a planet that has every resource to sustain life on an unfathomable scale of diversity?

I don't wish to sound arrogant since I came from a family with privileges many never have. For years my parents were once struggling to survive financially when we were young. We even lived in a little, semi cylindrical metal roofed shelter, my father studied and worked, my mother did what ever she could to make cloths and food for the two babies she already had.  As a matter of fact, all the way through high school, I was always the one in "dorky", or homemade, or passed down cloths, and I never had all the usual things my couple girlfriends in junior high or high school had.

Life is not easy for almost everyone, but if you only understood how relative it is to each person and their circumstances. One is no better or worse (in the grand scheme of life) than the other as far as personal emotions goes. You know how this is true when you have awareness into either ends of the spectrum of life situations. It is useless to question why. But this is simply something to accept because there is zero alternative. And it's our SELF-love that reigns most critical all through our lives. If we only knew that ~ right?

We all come from a line of lives and our blood or DNA is combined 50/50 all through eternity. That alone is pretty mind-blowing just to imagine. But imagine if somehow we each learned to love ourselves unconditionally. When we can, we learn more and more about ourselves and our abilities to overcome most  or all obstacles. I know this sounds too simple and too idealistic. Simple ~ yes. Easy ~ NO. Idealistic ~ of course, but who's to say this can't be reality?

Isn't that what "this time" is about?!? Saving humanity from itself! Trust me ~ it starts with the belief there is simply more to us than what we can process as truth with our amazing 5 senses. What that is is very simply the capabilities of our human brains that are by no means understood in the 21st century.

So let's go back to unconditional love. I will have to continue at another time, because I have a full day already in motion, but I want to say this. Every living thing on earth has a purpose. With insects and animals it's instinctive, from what we understand, and when we're talking about mammals, we're talking about higher and higher consciousness within them. Yet, humans have the free will in all areas of life. Let's not confuse the issue with who we're born to or where. As I said, simply take it as simply a part of our purpose to love unconditionally.

Most people are stressed out wondering what their assigned purpose is. I know; I was there for many years. But now it's more than clear that each of us has a purpose to love unconditionally, share with others, help and serve others in an amazing multitude of ways. That pretty well sums it up for today. I hope ~

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

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