Thursday, September 20, 2012

Too good to be true ~

Not only have I connected with my cousin, JJ and miraculously found and read her blog: but her youngest and only male sibling, "The Oldest" called me last night at a time I'd normally NEVER even check to see who called (unless . .); let alone even answer live. Oh man, that's proof enough for me that "it was meant to happen we'd talk last night". 

Meant to be because every aspect within me was right and I was where I was when the phone rang, and JJ had told her brother he'd never get me at night (which is 99% accurate and 1% opportunity I guess) and he called anyway and we spoke for a good 90+ minutes.

He is the youngest of three female siblings and two weeks older than my youngest and only male sibling. Last night we laughed about the fact that between my brother and himself he IS the oldest. I suppose that was an issue between the boys" when our paths did cross when we were young.

We talked about perceptions, tragedies in life (within the last year he has lost his son to death and within a year, his wife to divorce), bonds and affection between immediate family. Again, my cousins are children of my father's youngest and only sibling. We all basically grew up entirely differently, yet with emotional scars that are identical enough to open my awareness into life even more. I was shocked to learn that this cousin I spoke with last night has memories of saying his prayers, with our grandmother, before bed. I believed there was zero mention of "God" within my father's growing up time. 

Now I'm baffled again and for certain I'll never be able to discuss any of this with my father. My father is the oldest and only living person we all know of it appears, in our immediate "bloodline" as relatives. Kinda mind baffling to imagine how blood mixes, mixes, mixes for eternity, and what that truly means. DNA fascinates me.

All I know, at this time in my life, is that in my gut I feel something almost magical about the fact we're all "one". I've been sensing the oneness in ways I can't succinctly describe. It's simply more of a new awareness, in our minds, that we acknowledge to "our hearts" and we feel something magical inside,

I can only say you can imagine it as best you can, and you may feel "it" too in a fashion unique to you. When I began to realize, so intensely, how each and every person's mind and body energy interacts to create situations where it's always possible to "see" your self" (good, bad, indifferent) and how everything culminates from our thoughts, beliefs, actions, whatever. For me it's an extremely humbling experience.

As I wrote about my beliefs, a humbling experience can be profoundly pleasant when you're aware the path leads towards unconditional love and harmony. Enough said. Again we know when we know. We're each ready to receive (the good out here) in our own time. Can't be forced as we all know ya can lead a horse to water, but ya can't make it drink.

Recovery or healing ourselves begins as a mere thought or growing feeling within us that "we're all done" with the pain and dramas we've experienced. We each have "me, myself, and I" with us at all times. Somewhere in there is this God-like energy surrounding everything and in everything ~ including us ~ we are our own best company, companion, mate, or best friend (because when we get mad it's only at ourselves). Does this feel like it makes sense to you?

I can tell this is the best place to stop before I get overwhelmed with all I feel. It's Friday and I have good work ahead of me, so will say a quick good morning to JJ in email, and say fare well and a hui ho here, LL



  1. You may become "covered" with the down south baldbowman's. Talking with him for that long is awesome. He, like I, really do want that connection to you and all the crew!

    1. You both got "it" baby, you're the best that keeps getting bester and I'm honored ~ honored to be covered by the down south baldbowman's. I laughed so hard at thata one; I was "baldy", that makes me laugh again at how my life shows me this in such loving, many dimensional~ perspectives~kinda ways now ~
