Friday, September 14, 2012

Acknowledging our awareness of "our stuff"

I'm such a neophyte when it comes to my growing awareness of the mechanics of life ~ until I'm humbled again in my learning of how things work.

A woman I highly admire and author of the last book, I read, to be the catalyst by bring my "self" to a greater awareness of who I'm defining in my re-fine-ing or refining of behavior. Wow, kinda a mouthful to get out. Iyanla Vanzant is the author I relatively recently became aware of, and ironically her new program on TV is to help us realize the steps to heal our own life and family. Yes, I'm gonna promote this program because it's such an absolute necessity for us humans here on earth. It airs on the "OWN" network and the program is "Iyanla: fix my life" and around here it airs Sunday night at 10 pm. I'm glad I can record it.

Her initial program helped me realize there is a step after awareness. Awareness alone is NOT enough to make lasting change. We easily say things like, "I know, I'm sure, or you're right, bla bla" We can "say" we accept this new awareness, but until we can actually face the fact that possibly we're lie-ing to ourselves about our role, the negative situation will continue. It's SO humbling, to the point of tears sometimes, that we emotionally feel the impact of admitting or acknowledging our role in a situation, we had zero idea was "wrong", that slowly manifests a breakdown or fracture in our relationships.

It's always about facing our "selves", feeling the truth, hearing the truth, embracing the truth, and knowing love of self grows each time we meet another challenge and can "stay the course". But if we lie to ourselves, in any way, about our role in something, anything, it's gonna be nothing more than a bandaid just to have the awareness. Because the bandaid is eventually gonna fall off and expose the wound again.

Facing ourselves is like washing the windows in our house (our soul, our spirit, our "self"), until we can see enough to realize more of who we truly are. Can you see that those around us are like individual tiny mirrors that reflect the good, the bad, and the ugly in experience in our lives, because the mechanics of life and the law of attraction go hand-in-hand. Look around you to prove this to yourself. Only we can learn to set boundaries for ourselves, and who or what we choose to allow to affect our lives.

Unfortunately I must go for today. In the meantime I'll figure where I'm going with what I write.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

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