Saturday, July 28, 2012

How to believe ~ it's another choice

I'm going to make an attempt to explain the process of believing in something we think we can't see, or how to believe in some unknown power showing us the way through feelings, and what we see if we choose to be aware, or how to surrender our will's to something that has only been written about for thousands of years in different areas of the world and interpreted by human beings.

I once listened to a friend from Holland explain how religion in her country is so entirely different from, at least, in the U.S.A. In Holland, FAITH is really the only aspect of religion that is stressed. I find that fascinating because all the "hocus pocus" is eliminated, if I understand correctly.

When one reaches a stage in their life where they can decide for themselves if there is or is not a power greater than themselves, I believe it's going to be a natural process for them (if they at least have been taught to trust and be aware of the mechanics of life).

We humans don't seem to question gravity, and it's also one of those things we can't deny. When love and goodness prevails, everything in life seems pretty perfect. And conversely, when hate, abuse, neglect, anger, or anything else negative you can imagine, prevails, the results of lives are damaged.

We are not conscious why some are born into lives significantly (with the whole spectrum in between) better than others, so we must agree to just accept (because otherwise it's too unfathomable for a human mind to wrap itself around) certain things, as we move ahead on a path to greater and better scenarios. Feeling powerless is the curse of mankind. Feeling your personal strength, through pure faith that there is a power greater than us alone (just like gravity) is a part of us, goodness can and does expanded with awareness of the mechanics of life. Which basically comes down to what you put out does return (some where, some way, some how, definitely some time). Best to just have faith than to need every answer.

Even a child can be taught to "see" the subtle aspects of something showing, us all constantly, which path we're on. There are such endless ways to observe: cloud shapes, music (yes it is how we interpret), rain, wind, things we find or loose, animals or critters we encounter, interactions with others . . The path towards love, helping others, responsibility, abundance of happiness is NOT as difficult as many of us make it. But let me tell ya, "it ain't easy" as most would wish.

No life ain't always going to be a bed of roses. Of course there are going to be thorns, AND when we accept this as simply the way it is and to keep going with the faith there IS a power of good and love greater than us alone ~ things DO turn around, even if it's only our attitude! Believe it or not ~ attitude is the start of everything. I learned this the hard way, so I know I know at least this. Our attitude leads to our choices. Dominos ~ life is a game of Dominos if ya want to smile ~

Death of a loved one, especially a child or young adult, and even a cherished pet, can be one of the most difficult and painful experiences to survive, even with pure faith. If you can imagine the bigger picture of why they were born and what changes with them gone, it's easier to mourn your grief and celebrate their life rather than feel loss of the worst kind.

More another day my friends. Don't loose faith if ya have it or begin to accept there is a power greater than you alone and begin to see it surrounding you whenever you choose awareness.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

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