Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hey cousin JJ ~ this is for you ~

My cousin has a heart and faith as I do. Immediately after I was given the advice to read, in 1988, the same book she just read (learn more at I made changes MY way. I had zero belief in anything other than me just being a person goin' through life.

In that book, I read my childhood explained, and and I immediately I felt the courage I could change my direction, although I didn't know yet I was still not on the right path. We all do things the only way we know how. I messed up lives and I'm sorry as they know.

Then less than 6 months later, I have an automobile wreck that forever changed my personality, my brains functioning, and my beliefs. I learned from my maternal grandmother, Moy, how my life was literally saved (by a 3 and a 5 year old). That put me on a path I shoulda been on as a child.

I know what JJ lived out brought her to where she is and a strong sense of faith is what keeps her on such a tanacious path. I feel I've been just as tenacious in my faith that my small immediate family will one day have the depth of love I desire. Yes, my children are a national statistic with divorced parents. Me more than once unfortunately.

Would you believe that one of the hugest hurdles between my youngest and myself is they have zero faith in anything other than themselves as creators of their lives. I don't know how JJ was raised to believe. But she for sure realizes the power of the other part of us; which is clearly a power greater than ourselves alone.

I'm gotten pretty mello or relatively at ease with my "experiences" (which are here for us to eventually see more into the responsibilities we have for self). Hey, I get another S.L.A.P. to wake-up and write JJ for strength. She's wisdom support. I can't wait to actually be face-to-face with her again. It's literally been more than 3 decades (if only we knew back then who'd we'd be in 2012 ~ we probably woulda laughed!

Well, this feels like the end today. Hopefully I'm gonna write more often and JJ's and my blogs should be connected somehow.

Well fare well, and a hui ho, LL

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