Monday, July 2, 2012

Coincidence ~ I don't believe so

I literally stumbled across my cousin's blog ( the other day. I never knew she wrote a blog, and I couldn't believe it was really hers (she never mentioned it). I shoulda known ~ she's an awesome woman.

Her mother and my father were siblings and our childhoods brought us where we are. We "recently" became reconnected, through email of all things, after decades of zero communication. I was delighted to feel the power and wisdom of her words and we've become family (as best as possible) again.

I'm going to change what I do here and simply make this a longer post, which is more me anyway. It's time to get into a reality check. The ups and downs of my life haven't been drastic enough to throw me off course for too long or too far and for that I'm grateful.

To me, one of the greatest indicators of how hard I've worked on myself are the friends that enter, or even the friends that exit; although not always for good in most cases. It's confirmed to me that each person we encounter is merely an opportunity for us to get to know ourselves better ~ that's just how "it" works. What we like is what we like in ourselves (for I now believe we wouldn't know it otherwise), and what we don't like is an opportunity to get truthful with ourselves about something within us we need to address if we choose.

This past weekend I had to face the truth about me that literally put me in my place. A friend told me she chooses to live her life by example. And oh my goodness was that a heavy statement for me because I know I don't. And when I admit that ~ I know that's ultimately what's been between my heart and my children's hearts. And I also know I must try harder today than I did yesterday to be that which I preach.

Well, that's enough for me and I'm off to my day.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

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