Sunday, February 24, 2013

Facing Our Self ~

What does facing yourself look like? First off it starts with honesty within your own heart. Can you see behaviors or hear words that reflect something within you? It can go either way of course. To recognize good, you possess that same goodness somewhere. If you didn't have it somewhere, you couldn't recognize it. And the same goes for things that irritate us, annoy us, anger us, enrage us, make us suspicious or any one of the myriad of negative emotions we may act on. We're shown an indication of improvement somewhere within us that we haven't acknowledged to ourselves until we face it with an open heart.

Situations in our life happen exactly as they're supposed to because our energy attracts or repels everything, either by choice or not. Everything has an energy field (this is a scientific fact) around it. That energy connects with every energy field in your individual sphere of influence. This energy is a magnet for us to see ourselves more clearly. Then we decide to do something about it or not. But we'll never realize it until we get honest with ourselves. 

Evolution is individual, which translates to evolution as a whole.  It's basically pretty unfathomable to our human minds how it all works together, but there's really no denying it is what it is. I believe this is why we should feel humble to this "greater something". Being humble simply means you know you are ultimately not the "top dog" in creating your life. When you're humble there's an undeniable change in attitude, which transmutes actions.

Man has ego, because man has a thinking mind. Man's thinking has become warped the more and more he realized his own power to get what he wanted. Love for the whole (all connected energies) got very lost in the shuffle. Man began to destroy each other and the earth in the quest to gain material wealth. Things will continue to deteriorate unless man steps back and understands the power of unconditional love. Love is a universal language with many dialects.
Giving and receiving unconditional love is what I believe is the awesome power man must harness. Who is going to deny the goodness unconditional love creates in any situation? It's also something that doesn't come naturally anymore if we haven't lived with it since birth. It's so easy to lie to ourselves about any conditions we set, whether consciously or not.

So what to do. Since any of us can only control ourselves we've got to start there. Learning how to live giving and receiving unconditional love really was second-nature within all of us. But sensing how it affects everything around us has been lost as man resisted the idea that we're ultimately not in control. It's no wonder that "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman has been a best seller for five years, and each years sales surpassed the previous year.

In my humble opinion, this is a must read and an excellent place to begin to learn the power of unconditional love.

Fare well and a hui ho. Always ~ LL


Thursday, December 6, 2012

imperfection is Perfection ~

 ~ Hey, I'm learnin' today's scientists have "far deeper" understanding of our actual heart than ever before even suspected by soooo many of us.

In my humble opinion,  the "native" and etherical mind-set of: "all being one-with-life" (the entire universe) and it's communication, is as incomprehensible  to "us" as the intelligence of all heart organs aminals live by ~  Cause it's in feelings ~ see?
This is a huge area of growing awareness in understanding with our "scientist" today."We've" never  been "shown", or lead to believe, the heart has an intelligence of it's own. 

~ Although many people have been aware of this "heart intelligence", spoken with a different relating language at the core. And I'll bet that's a bit confusing.

But when we think about "it", the heart IS the first anything to develop. Not our brains. Grasping that in your gut is heavy. Surely most believe the brain controls every aspect of this human body we have. Whatever ~ we all did in my neck o' the woods ~

It's also the last organ to literally pass our life over ~ So what are we waking up too?  What's our human evolution realizing? 

At least start with, we're realizing the importance of the hearts' intelligence again, and the possiblity science coulda been "wrong" with the brainwashing it's done. And waking up to knowing how to listen to the silence within that speaks in feelings is magical. We have learn to "feel" the intelligence within.

Therefore, what we feel IS our heart's way of communicating ~ just like animals ~ see? 

And the Mayan's, for instance, had great knowledge dealing with magnetics, migrations, the cosmo in relation to all life, (for a small for-instance), and the effects of our second-nature ability to attract  what we need to survive and evolve. This is all a part of the in-depth knowledge of magnetics.

~ Imagine it with the properties of magnets. It's the exact same energy transfers happening with every single human live today. And in my humble opinion ~ it's all a collective energy of one ~ and extending into the power with the cosmos ~

And that definitely sounds very wacky or "new age" if we had to label an area of knowledge.

Wow, I'm been afronted by educated skeptics that surprised me (believing I knew them as pure in all areas of being), or as "young" in knowledge as I have been. I've got to watch me trying to feed "pearls" to "swine" and back-off.

This is also a good place to back-off awhile. Life continues as I make it, but I know where I want to be in my physical and in my heart. 

Fare well and a hui ho ~ Always ~ LL

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

This is who we all are ~

I've got to make this quick, but it something I need to constantly refer to, so I may as well write it.

Everyone you'll ever meet, or let's at least hope they care enough for themselves to realize they want it too, has 3 things they ask of others.

Number One: Do you see me?

Number Two: Do you hear me?

Number Three: Does what I say mean anything to you?

When I read number three I realized how often I'm honestly not hearing every word enough to really be showing I DO care what someone is saying. I realize my own need to listen without my own filters. Because what a person is saying can't mean, to us, what that person really wants us to understand.

Practice makes perfect ~ thank goodness. 

A hui ho, and fare well, alwyas LL


Thursday, November 1, 2012

BIgger picture questions ~

I strongly believe there is a connection man's been waiting to "get". And I came to this realization in my quite time in silence with "me, myself, and I".

In my humble opinion, man's brain has developed as it has for the purpose of figuring out the obvious: we're here, we evolve, we're part of the puzzle to survival as a species. If we're responsible in some way to "use this gift to our best ability", then perhaps it's for the ability to formulate the awareness that "mankind should be pondering, with wonder and awe, how evolution can work so magically for the greatest good for all living species? 

It's obvious by knowing how the animal-kingdom works, there's no denying  how "one thing is there for anothers' purpose" (to eat, to feed, to assist with survival, to provide whatever shelter and nurturing for offspring). Each day, somewhere, man discovers more of the pieces to the whole puzzle (the bigger picture) in every resource, plant or animal discovered.

The original (in my humble opinion) that were natives inhabitants to our planet were darker skinned (after loosing all the fur ~ even in snow regions. And hey, I can't get side-tracked (by connecting man with the oceans). That's too big for my brain to wrap around. Although in my humble opinion, "these people" intuitively knew how to survive "as one with the earth" and they do to this day in regions yet discovered. 

Yea, there are always going to be "ego" issues just as with animals. I believe there's always going to be "one bad apple" somewhere in the species. It's just the way it is. 

So why hasn't man put his brains to the discovery of how all people on the planet should be "working as one" with the planet and for the highest good for survival of the species? Do you believe it's ego? Do you understand ego? Do you learn by looking at yourself, as we should have been taught from day one.

I can't help but imagine people being born to parents SO HUMBLE; they unconditionally love their offspring to the point of secondly-naturedly nurturing and caring for them until they're have learned what it takes to survive. In my humble opinion, man has the gift of a brain to explore the power of unconditional love (animals don't have to think about it huh?)

Man's ego (represented by the love of money in my humble opinion) obviously got in the way long before mankind evolved with unconditional love for all ~ as if the species had a purpose for being here (to play a part  in the unfathomable brilliance of evolution for the greatest good for the workings or mechanics of life on earth ~

Slowly, yet surely I am evolving. And now me, myself, and I must get a move on.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

I had a bad day yesterday????

Thanks JJ, my morning paper put my feelings towards yesterday into perspective. A perspective I'd so egotistically felt was an important one for the folks amidst the rubble. I'm sure that did happen, but I'm telling myself now, that "me" had to tell it to "myself", and I know the message came through loud and clear when I read my morning paper published by a woman who came back into my life after forty or so years. She is my cousin, she is my heart, she publishes her wisdom in

Yesterday was a hard one for me because I had to face myself, and I wasn't happy with what I saw. I'm actually too ashamed to write my inner drama; it was absolutely nothing in comparrison to just about anything. My "plans" for how I saw my day going began a bit rough, but I continued. I even got myself to my destination, and began to see how really useless I was, and I was overheated and there was nothing I could do about it. I'm sure part of the heat I felt was frustration at myself.

I suddenly felt very self-conscious, felt I'd been stupid to think otherwise since the circumstances were a "given", but it weren't going to play out as I'd imagined. This all sounds so cryptic, and that's okay, I just need to finish playing this out in my mind, so I can "heal".

I "ran", I left very self-consciously with a feeling of such failure, I felt like "my father". Why couldn't I stay, why couldn't I adjust my "plan" and make the most of a situation with unconditional love for those around me and stick my plan out? Because my "plan" wouldn't have been perfect?? Because I'd have to put others feelings before my own? Because it was easier to run back home and hibernate inside licking my wounds? I'm not quite sure, but these are questions for "me, myself and I" to ponder further.

Actually, I'll end with this: I've thought of the "me" as being my earthly-self, "myself" being my eartly-self blended with the invisible-intelligence flowing through all (evolution in process), and "I" being intuition that speaks from the "I-I" flowing through every living thing on earth. I know this isn't an original thought, even though it's put in my words, because I know the Hawaiians also believe along these lines from what I studied years ago.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Building Unconditional Love

Perhaps I'm not as blind to love the way I'd been for well over 50 years. But trying to go backwards in time to eradicate damage already done, to now adult children, is quite a difficult challenge.

My daughter already vehemently rejects me even saying, "unconditional love" anymore. Yes, I do get all consumed with words that have unlocked knowledge in me and I'm sure I've overused 'em to explain my "new position". Admittedly, I've been obnoxious.

How can I ever get across the understanding of subconscious conditions we place on receiving love?

I believe this is essential information to have if one expects to have the deepest confidence and love for themselves ~ that will allow their life to flow in perpetual, relative peace (within their-self).

How can I explain my growing awareness of conditions stemming from fear- based resistance, or conditions set in our minds that we assume help us maintain control of our lives.

Absolutely, it's essential to set your own conditions (or boundaries) to who or what you'll allow into your lives
Control is a learned behavior we modify or change if/when we choose. 

Isn't it obvious that humans raised, anywhere, with the second-nature mindset of unconditional love for the highest good for all living things is what "turns" a peaceful, balanced planet?

When we're not able to "let go of our position" (this is what I know; this is what I want; this is who I am) we can become so ensnared in our own delusions that we're unable to ascertain reality, and we could be lie-ing to our Self with our ego.

I do appreciate we all learn in our own time, I understand we can lead a horse to water, but we can't make 'em drink, I know we all live our lives as individuals, but I'm talking about my children. I see harmful patterns that ran for generations in my blood relatives. I see them and I'm doing everything I can to expand awareness, so these aspects can be modified to allow the "us" to receive and give unconditional love with all we possibly can.

Can't you just hear how badly I want to reach my own children's hearts and minds? They're all almost in their thirties, and the next generation is forming right now. I hear my impatience. My impatience ultimately always backfires from my good intentions. I ask my Self when I'll ever learn?

Okay there, "I've" told my Self again ~ patience, love, and acceptance. Again I found it within my silence. I'd received another slap from life, and processed it within my silence. I'm certain I dealt with the invisible intelligence which runs through all living things and at least the "slaps" are more gentle, yet still waking me up to myself.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another Day to Give

To give my wisdom, to give of myself as I evolve into a being that exudes unconditional love in facial and body language, and a tone in my voice that embraces a growing consciousness of the words that exit my mouth (before they exit my mouth). This too is a forever journey for me, as I "monitor" my own progress by the "reactions" of those in my "sphere of influence" (I imagine it as a bubble that mingles with countless other bubbles).

This is where my awareness into the mechanics of life has my focus today. I have come down a very winding and self-created difficult path, because I'm kinda thick headed. I still had "ego" to shed on a deeper level than I realized existed) in order to stop resisting wisdom that exists in each of us.

I look at just about everything today, from the perspective of what's happening is a massive learning about by "seeing yourself" move through crisis of the world today ~ 

Mankind has evolved into a species always wanting more. More conveniences, wanting life easier (more money) for "survival", then egos evolved to "all about "me" versus "us" (things done for the greatest good for all), and mixing that with a "what's-in[it-for-me-attitude" it became an uncontrollable breeding ground for greed, which grew into the disease of the world today. 

And man's addictions have always been cursing our evolutions as individuals. Recognizing our addictions, taking responsibility for what we CAN do or not do, in every aspect of our lives, is essential for any kind of change or evolution as a whole species.  Addictions have the curse of a disease, yet we're responsible to do our part ~ with our inner guidance to follow. Why would we choose responsibility of any kind if it's easier to blame or excuse?

I did it and I can't give you a good reason. Lack of personal awareness? Yes! Lack of understanding of unconditional love for myself being at the core of sharing unconditional love for the highest good for all.

We're being forced (with the force of nature) to learn what's really important on the deepest level of man's existance: evolution of the planet, to respect what it provides in conjunction with an unfathomable brilliance of balance for the planet's inhabitants of every single kind.

Soloutions?? There always are. Think in terms of making the most of what you do have in the ways of survival, (on the simplest terms) by being creative in thought for how you can enjoy and achieve this. I learned this only after I'd crashed into a pile of pathetic-poor-me and resisted learning the true mechanics of life.

Life is a different experience from this perspective. Every single living person has a form of creativity inside who they are (absolutely zero boundaries to creativity), be proactive by doing your best to do (all) you can do ~ that's enough! Do it in terms of love and evolution for all.

The mechanics of life will begin to excite your spirit as you acknowledge awareness is there when we choose to be open to the process of evolution.

Enough today. Fare well and a hui ho, LL