Thursday, December 6, 2012

imperfection is Perfection ~

 ~ Hey, I'm learnin' today's scientists have "far deeper" understanding of our actual heart than ever before even suspected by soooo many of us.

In my humble opinion,  the "native" and etherical mind-set of: "all being one-with-life" (the entire universe) and it's communication, is as incomprehensible  to "us" as the intelligence of all heart organs aminals live by ~  Cause it's in feelings ~ see?
This is a huge area of growing awareness in understanding with our "scientist" today."We've" never  been "shown", or lead to believe, the heart has an intelligence of it's own. 

~ Although many people have been aware of this "heart intelligence", spoken with a different relating language at the core. And I'll bet that's a bit confusing.

But when we think about "it", the heart IS the first anything to develop. Not our brains. Grasping that in your gut is heavy. Surely most believe the brain controls every aspect of this human body we have. Whatever ~ we all did in my neck o' the woods ~

It's also the last organ to literally pass our life over ~ So what are we waking up too?  What's our human evolution realizing? 

At least start with, we're realizing the importance of the hearts' intelligence again, and the possiblity science coulda been "wrong" with the brainwashing it's done. And waking up to knowing how to listen to the silence within that speaks in feelings is magical. We have learn to "feel" the intelligence within.

Therefore, what we feel IS our heart's way of communicating ~ just like animals ~ see? 

And the Mayan's, for instance, had great knowledge dealing with magnetics, migrations, the cosmo in relation to all life, (for a small for-instance), and the effects of our second-nature ability to attract  what we need to survive and evolve. This is all a part of the in-depth knowledge of magnetics.

~ Imagine it with the properties of magnets. It's the exact same energy transfers happening with every single human live today. And in my humble opinion ~ it's all a collective energy of one ~ and extending into the power with the cosmos ~

And that definitely sounds very wacky or "new age" if we had to label an area of knowledge.

Wow, I'm been afronted by educated skeptics that surprised me (believing I knew them as pure in all areas of being), or as "young" in knowledge as I have been. I've got to watch me trying to feed "pearls" to "swine" and back-off.

This is also a good place to back-off awhile. Life continues as I make it, but I know where I want to be in my physical and in my heart. 

Fare well and a hui ho ~ Always ~ LL

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