Tuesday, December 4, 2012

This is who we all are ~

I've got to make this quick, but it something I need to constantly refer to, so I may as well write it.

Everyone you'll ever meet, or let's at least hope they care enough for themselves to realize they want it too, has 3 things they ask of others.

Number One: Do you see me?

Number Two: Do you hear me?

Number Three: Does what I say mean anything to you?

When I read number three I realized how often I'm honestly not hearing every word enough to really be showing I DO care what someone is saying. I realize my own need to listen without my own filters. Because what a person is saying can't mean, to us, what that person really wants us to understand.

Practice makes perfect ~ thank goodness. 

A hui ho, and fare well, alwyas LL


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