Thursday, November 1, 2012

BIgger picture questions ~

I strongly believe there is a connection man's been waiting to "get". And I came to this realization in my quite time in silence with "me, myself, and I".

In my humble opinion, man's brain has developed as it has for the purpose of figuring out the obvious: we're here, we evolve, we're part of the puzzle to survival as a species. If we're responsible in some way to "use this gift to our best ability", then perhaps it's for the ability to formulate the awareness that "mankind should be pondering, with wonder and awe, how evolution can work so magically for the greatest good for all living species? 

It's obvious by knowing how the animal-kingdom works, there's no denying  how "one thing is there for anothers' purpose" (to eat, to feed, to assist with survival, to provide whatever shelter and nurturing for offspring). Each day, somewhere, man discovers more of the pieces to the whole puzzle (the bigger picture) in every resource, plant or animal discovered.

The original (in my humble opinion) that were natives inhabitants to our planet were darker skinned (after loosing all the fur ~ even in snow regions. And hey, I can't get side-tracked (by connecting man with the oceans). That's too big for my brain to wrap around. Although in my humble opinion, "these people" intuitively knew how to survive "as one with the earth" and they do to this day in regions yet discovered. 

Yea, there are always going to be "ego" issues just as with animals. I believe there's always going to be "one bad apple" somewhere in the species. It's just the way it is. 

So why hasn't man put his brains to the discovery of how all people on the planet should be "working as one" with the planet and for the highest good for survival of the species? Do you believe it's ego? Do you understand ego? Do you learn by looking at yourself, as we should have been taught from day one.

I can't help but imagine people being born to parents SO HUMBLE; they unconditionally love their offspring to the point of secondly-naturedly nurturing and caring for them until they're have learned what it takes to survive. In my humble opinion, man has the gift of a brain to explore the power of unconditional love (animals don't have to think about it huh?)

Man's ego (represented by the love of money in my humble opinion) obviously got in the way long before mankind evolved with unconditional love for all ~ as if the species had a purpose for being here (to play a part  in the unfathomable brilliance of evolution for the greatest good for the workings or mechanics of life on earth ~

Slowly, yet surely I am evolving. And now me, myself, and I must get a move on.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL

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