Sunday, February 24, 2013

Facing Our Self ~

What does facing yourself look like? First off it starts with honesty within your own heart. Can you see behaviors or hear words that reflect something within you? It can go either way of course. To recognize good, you possess that same goodness somewhere. If you didn't have it somewhere, you couldn't recognize it. And the same goes for things that irritate us, annoy us, anger us, enrage us, make us suspicious or any one of the myriad of negative emotions we may act on. We're shown an indication of improvement somewhere within us that we haven't acknowledged to ourselves until we face it with an open heart.

Situations in our life happen exactly as they're supposed to because our energy attracts or repels everything, either by choice or not. Everything has an energy field (this is a scientific fact) around it. That energy connects with every energy field in your individual sphere of influence. This energy is a magnet for us to see ourselves more clearly. Then we decide to do something about it or not. But we'll never realize it until we get honest with ourselves. 

Evolution is individual, which translates to evolution as a whole.  It's basically pretty unfathomable to our human minds how it all works together, but there's really no denying it is what it is. I believe this is why we should feel humble to this "greater something". Being humble simply means you know you are ultimately not the "top dog" in creating your life. When you're humble there's an undeniable change in attitude, which transmutes actions.

Man has ego, because man has a thinking mind. Man's thinking has become warped the more and more he realized his own power to get what he wanted. Love for the whole (all connected energies) got very lost in the shuffle. Man began to destroy each other and the earth in the quest to gain material wealth. Things will continue to deteriorate unless man steps back and understands the power of unconditional love. Love is a universal language with many dialects.
Giving and receiving unconditional love is what I believe is the awesome power man must harness. Who is going to deny the goodness unconditional love creates in any situation? It's also something that doesn't come naturally anymore if we haven't lived with it since birth. It's so easy to lie to ourselves about any conditions we set, whether consciously or not.

So what to do. Since any of us can only control ourselves we've got to start there. Learning how to live giving and receiving unconditional love really was second-nature within all of us. But sensing how it affects everything around us has been lost as man resisted the idea that we're ultimately not in control. It's no wonder that "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman has been a best seller for five years, and each years sales surpassed the previous year.

In my humble opinion, this is a must read and an excellent place to begin to learn the power of unconditional love.

Fare well and a hui ho. Always ~ LL