Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 is nearly over now!

Where have I been? Hiding from myself, playing, doing a little volunteering, living, realizing . . .

So much has evolved it's difficult to back track at this time. First off: I decided to be more truthful with myself about writing daily. On one hand, I think I can, I will, I have to if I'm committed. Well guess what, my lifestyle and who I really am doesn't turn on the computer daily, so with the pressure off me I may do a more serious job here.

I'm in the process of walking more and more of my talk. My awareness of my own personal "feeling of joy" or happiness is increasing because I've made myself aware of the feeling. I'm practicing feeling it and being conscious of it happening more and more as the days pass.

My mom and I talked, the other day, about our tendencies to rush, have expectations, or not think things through methodically and how it effects our lives. We're going to talk on the phone with the demeanor we're each striving for. I'm excited about this evolution.

Fare well and a hui ho, LL